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GermanyEngineeringEnergy plant operators

Conceptual and basic design

CCGT plant, K+S AG, Hattorf site, Germany

K+S AG intends to make the energy and media supply assets at its Hattorf potash production site fit for the future by installing a new gas turbine plant.

Iqony Solutions’ services

  • Concept development
  • Study of different variants of future energy and media supply based on gas turbines
  • Preliminary design and basic design
  • Procurement planning for procurement divided into up to 5 lots
  • CAPEX estimate
  • OPEX estimate
  • Comparison of annual costs, plant layout sketches, scheduling, etc.

Planning constraints

  • Project is to be planned for construction in an existing plant complex
  • Site is subject to mining law
  • H2-readiness options and identification of a cost-effective option to replace existing facilities


Iqony Solutions | Services for energy plants | O&M, engineering & IT solutions


Project facts

Capacity of GT / HRSG24 MWel / 150 t/h
MediaElectricity, steam, demineralized water
FuelsNatural gas / hydrogen
ClientK+S AG
IQS performance period05/2022 - 01/2024