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GermanyEngineeringEnergy plant operators

Iqony as general planner for preliminary, draft and approval planning

Power-to-Methanol – ZASt, Zella-Mehlis, Germany

Zweckverband für Abfallwirtschaft Südwestthüringen (ZASt) operates a waste treatment plant at the Zella-Mehlis site in Southwest Thuringia and is planning a production plant for synthetic methanol.

Hydrogen (H2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are needed to produce methanol. Both will be produced on site. For this purpose, the following plants will be constructed: A water electrolysis plant (10 MW), and a plant for CO2 separation from the waste gas stream of the waste incineration plant. After synthesis of these two gases, marketable methanol is produced in a two-stage rectification.

Iqony Solutions (IQS), as the general planner, prepared the preliminary and draft planning as well as the approval planning.


Iqony Solutions | Services for energy plants | O&M, engineering & IT solutions

#Waste incineration

Project facts

Water electrolysis performance10 MW
Production capacity5,000 – 7,000 tons of green fuel
CO2 savingsup to 10,000 t/a
CustomerZweckverband für Abfallwirtschaft Südwestthüringen (ZASt)
IQS performance periodsince Oct. 2021
5,000–7,000 t/a Green fuel production capacity
10 MW Water electrolysis performance
up to 10,000 t/a CO2 savings